Sweet Dreams Mini Hoops

Beautiful bright silver scalloped hoops with rose cut firey opals in between petite coloured gemstones. Click latch post for a secure fit. OOAK and full of energy, they give pure joy.

•925 bright silver

•chrome diopside

•yellow sapphires

•pink sapphires

•orange sapphires

•rose cut opals

Approximately 2.5 cm wide

Approximately 2.5 cm long


1 in stock

Other Seasonal products...

Diamond Days Neckpiece

Lucky Wishbone

Fortune Cricket Neckpiece (Ruby)

Night & Day Mini Hoops

Mushroom Kisses Pink Topaz Edition

Nocturnal Frog Earrings

Kismet Dreams Mini Hoops

Midnight Kingdom Neckpiece Nocturnal Frog Edition

Mr.Bones (Pink Tourmaline)

Twisted Rope/Nocturnal Frog Earrings

Love Key Earrings

Midnight Kingdom Neckpiece Mischievous Fox edition

Twisted Rope/Mischievous Fox Earrings

Moon•Walk Fall/Winter ‘24

North Star Neckpiece

All products made in Melbourne.



Jewellery & Objects


Jewellery & Objects

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