Diamond Days Neckpiece

A radiant rhombus shaped pendant, suspended from a heavy Cheval chain. An intricately decorated diamond shaped element, with 9 petite oval gemstones. Cheval chain is made from 100% recycled sterling silver and pendant can be made with (almost) any gemstones and most precious metals.

•925 bright sterling silver

•925 recycled sterling silver Italian made Cheval chain

•9 London Blue Topaz oval gemstones

Bolt ring clasp in front of neckpiece, approximately 45cm long.


Other Seasonal products...

Fortune Cricket Neckpiece (Ruby)

North Star Neckpiece

Nocturnal Frog Earrings

Twisted Rope/Mischievous Fox Earrings

Midnight Kingdom Neckpiece Mischievous Fox edition

Moon•Walk Fall/Winter ‘24

Sweet Dreams Mini Hoops

Lucky Wishbone

Kismet Dreams Mini Hoops

Twisted Rope/Nocturnal Frog Earrings

Love Key Earrings

Night & Day Mini Hoops

Midnight Kingdom Neckpiece Nocturnal Frog Edition

Mr.Bones (Pink Tourmaline)

Mushroom Kisses Pink Topaz Edition

All products made in Melbourne.



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